Monday, February 11, 2008

भैया कि भाषा में ब्लाग

Golf, Ernie and Indian Masters

I try to play Golf. Before anyone thinks I am being my modest self let me announce that I AM NOT BEING MODEST!!
Golf is the most capricious game that I have ever played or attempted to play. There are so many variables that I am forever unsure of what I did wrong. And the rare times that I am able to send the ball where I wanted it to go I am unable to replicate that. All this above, is when the conditions are perfect, there is hardly any wind or if there is any it is always the one with a tail. On windy days it is a game of chance and you would not be blamed if you think this is as close to Vegas as you will get in your lifetime.
Anyways last week was the Indian Masters in Delhi and thanks to my friend 'Wanshu I got a chance to watch Ernie Els, Thomas Bjorn, Shiv Kapur, Arjun Atwal, Jeev, Jyoti and Digvijay Singh in action live. The funniest part was that none of us followed the eventual winner SSP Chowrasia ( one more example of the capriciosness of this game ).
Like all other star stuck fans we followed Ernie on his walk around DGC post a sumptous lunch thanks again to the fact that 'Wanshu is cute yaa ( pronounced with a d instead of t) and women just love him naturally. The 5 odd holes that we followed Ernie was a lesson on hope and the fact that no one can claim to have mastered this game. We saw Jeev going OB, Ernie going to the Bunker more than once, Atwal missing a three feet putt which in Lado we would have said 'given' and Kjeldsen doing a three putt after a glorious second shot. In between we also saw Jeev nearly doing a hole in one and two near perfect lobs from a sand and grass dunker by Ernie which was as beautiful a shot as you could possibly see.
A perfect day of Golf and the hope that if these greats can go OB or miss putts I should put my ideas and thought of how much my set s worth at bay.